We rely on our bones to provide our bodies with structure, allow movement, and give protection to our internal organs. Needless to say, bone health is a crucial factor in overall health and well-being! Unfortunately, bones have a tendency to become weak as we age, especially if they are not taken care of. Did you know that about 10 million Americans suffer from osteoporosis, a disease characterized by having low bone mineral density? With this disease, bone cells break down at a faster rate than they are repaired. This can cause people to fall more and suffer from more broken bones- ouch!
The effects of osteoporosis are incredibly difficult to reverse once they occur, so it is very important to prevent this disease from happening or try to stop the progression in its tracks. You can do so by practicing many of the same health and exercise habits that benefit the rest of your body!
Some of the factors that affect bone health are out of our control. Age, gender, race, and genetics all play a role in how our bone cells behave (big thanks to mom and dad). However, there are a number of things that we can control to help support our good genetics or fight against our bad genetics. Studies have shown that taking part in regular weight bearing activity- mainly running, walking, and weight lifting, helps to improve and maintain bone strength. It is also important to get plenty of calcium, vitamin D, and vitamin K in our diets, as all of these nutrients help bone form. Lastly, new research has suggested that being happy and stress free can help ensure good bone health. Some of the same neurotransmitters that affect our moods play a role in bone health (and oddly enough, being physically active improves mood and quality of life also- it’s a double whammy)!
It’s safe to say, we can add “healthy bones” to the list of benefits we get from leading healthy, active lives!