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Resolutions & recommitments to live a healthier lifestyle are abundant this time of year. Perhaps you even invested in an activity tracker such as a FitBit or a Nike+Fuel Band, but do you know how accurate this new piece of technology is? 

Well, a team of researchers from the Clinical Exercise Physiology program at the University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse were determined to find out. They tested some of the most popular models; the FitBit Ultra, Nike Fuel Band, Adidas MiCoach & Jawbone UP, for accuracy in steps taken & calories burned. What they found was that with activities such as running & walking the activity trackers were quite accurate in terms of steps taken. When using elliptical trainers or completing  sports agility drills the trackers were less accurate, as the tracker has a difficult time registering smaller, quicker steps. The Jawbone UP had the best results. When talking about caloric expenditure, there is so much variability from person to person  & how each person burns calories that most trackers may only get within 15% accuracy.

So, are these gadgets worth it? Yes!! People are 30-40% more active when they use an activity tracker than without. Use them to set goals & track progress! All of the little things add up! The activity tracker not being 100% accurate may not be all that important if it gets you up & moving. If using an activity tracker helps you to lead a healthier lifestyle, then go for it!