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Working out is not only for becoming strong and lean; it’s a great way to release stress and gain energy. And let’s face it- we could all use a little stress relief around the holidays, so why wait until January 1st to make the commitment? Start now to begin reaping the benefits of staying strong and healthy even with the extra holiday goodies around. Here are 5 tips to help you work in healthy habits before the start of the New Year!    

Schedule Time for Movement Every Day!

It doesn’t have to be time-consuming or elaborate, but getting a quick sweat session in first thing in the morning could be just what you need to put some holiday pep in your step. Turn on an online workout video before you have breakfast or plan a walk after dinner.

Make it a Holiday not a Holi-week!

Get back to being active the day after your holiday party. Schedule your workout to make it happen. Whether it’s enrolling in a class, going for a run/walk, or stepping into the gym. “Start Fresh” with those healthy habits the next day.

Keep the Planning Simple!

Plan short workout breaks in the middle of your day. Take 10 deep breaths, stretch out your legs, and go for a quick stroll. This is a great way to refocus, re-energize, and manage stress. Make sure you put these in yourcalendar!

Make it Fun!

Go ice-skating, sledding, or have a snowball fight! These are great, festive ways to get in the holiday spirit and remain active. Have the kids join in or even the in-laws to get everyone out of the house.

Let the Holiday Spirit Shine Through!

Remember the key word here, BALANCE. It’s okay if you have a piece of that homemade pie, or skip one of your regular workouts. Recognizing the holiday spirit and socializing with friends and family adds quality to your life and can help to fill you up with energy during these festive weeks. Don’t get down on yourself- just keep it balanced.