518-306-6987 (F) 518-444-0464 [email protected]

News, Events & Updates

**New Vaccine Requirement per NYS**

New Vaccination Requirement - you must be fully vaccinated to exercise at SHW New York State has implemented a new mask-wearing requirement for all indoor public places UNLESS the business chooses to have a vaccine requirement. Saratoga Health and Wellness, under...

Spring Clean Your Health!

Okay, okay. I know that it doesn't feel like Spring is here... In fact it's snowing this very moment. It's April 17th. WHERE ARE YOU SPRING/SUNSHINE/WARMTH?!?!?! But I figured this would be a great time to do the Spring Cleaning...

5 Health Myths DEBUNKED!

We are well into the new year and everyone is (hopefully) still committed to their fitness and healthy eating resolutions. Everyone offers tips and tricks to lose fat and gain muscle, but who and what should you believe? Let us help guide you in the right direction…...

Stay Balanced This Holiday!

Working out is not only for becoming strong and lean; it’s a great way to release stress and gain energy. And let’s face it- we could all use a little stress relief around the holidays, so why wait until January 1st to make the...

How To Keep Off The Holiday Pounds

How To Keep Off The Holiday Pounds

  That time of year is approaching! Frosted sugar cookies linger around every corner, your friends are passing around the eggnog, Aunt Louise baked your favorite apple pie- oh the temptations! So, we enjoy these treats for a few weeks and by the time New Year’s...

DASH Your Way to a Healthier Heart

DASH Your Way to a Healthier Heart

The DASH Diet.   A dash of salt here, a dash of salt there! Am I doing it right? Unfortunately, no. Let’s break this diet down the easy way. What does DASH stand for? Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension. Essentially this diet is designed to help treat/prevent high...

Lose Weight, $ave Money

Lose Weight, $ave Money

According to a new study from the John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health a forty year old who goes from being obese to overweight will save approximately $18,262 in medical costs and productivity losses (missed work days) throughout his or her lifetime. If...

Build A Stronger Body!

Build A Stronger Body!

Let's build a stronger body, from the inside-out! As our bodies age we lose muscle and strength. In order to slow the progression of muscle degeneration we need to supplement our bodies with optimal nutrients. This is where PROTEIN comes into play! Give Me The Facts:...

Let Nature Do The Healing

Let Nature Do The Healing

Our warm summer days are quickly coming to an end… take in these last few weeks of sunshine and prioritize nature every single day- in how you move, how you eat, and how you relax. Get Your Hands Dirty Whether you’re growing a garden or picking a flower- dig in and...

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