518-306-6987 (F) 518-444-0464 [email protected]

News, Events & Updates

My Fitness Pal: Your new weight loss buddy

My Fitness Pal: Your new weight loss buddy

Many clients come to us with the desire to lose weight and while exercise is certainly a factor in weight loss and we absolutely encourage it, truly effective weight loss occurs with the combination of exercise and a change in diet. The change in eating habits is...

Blood Pressure – What it really means.

Blood Pressure – What it really means.

You've had your blood pressure checked hundreds of times and you've been told that keeping your blood pressure 'under control' is important for long-term health. If your blood pressure is too high for too long, you're at substantially increased risk of having a stroke...

One machine…Seven exercises

One machine…Seven exercises

Are you doing the same exercise over & over on the leg press machine? Did you know the leg press is more than a one trick pony? It's time for you vary your foot position to get more bang for your buck. Here's how... (1.)Use the standard shoulder-width stance with...

Chocolate Milk?  Really?

Chocolate Milk? Really?

Some of our favorite clients have asked “why are you selling chocolate milk?” It does seem odd that we would consider selling such a high calorie beverage, but chocolate milk is becoming increasingly popular post-workout snack. Recent research has begun to investigate...

Your questions, answered here.

Q: What type of exercises would be beneficial for someone who has osteoporosis. A: Osteoporosis, a condition that causes the bones to become brittle & weak does not have to stop you from exercising. In fact, you should keep exercising! Tai Chi: slow, graceful...

Being Lazy may shrink your brain.

Being Lazy may shrink your brain.

Have you ever had someone tell you that you’d be smart to start an exercise routine?  Well the research seems to be showing that is all too true!  It’s been known for many years and proven time and again that exercise is perhaps the best medicine on this planet - It’s...

Staying Fit While Traveling

Staying Fit While Traveling

With temperatures dropping below zero up here in upstate New York, February tends to be a big travel month. Whether you’re traveling for business or for pleasure, travel often disrupts your normal routine, many times leaving your fitness program behind. Sticking to a...

Is loss of balance an inevitable consequence of aging?

Most of the time your balance is running on autopilot, you move through the day without having to really think about it. We need to have balance to get up out of a chair, put our shoes on, to drive a car, or for simply walking across the room. However, the natural...

Are You Hip for Golf?

Are You Hip for Golf?

As an exercise physiologist, one of our major roles in working with a golfer is to identify and fix physical limitations that might interfere  with the individual’s ability to best “acquire” the swing mechanics for them. One such area of interest is the golfer’s...

Want to learn more? reach out.

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